- Want to provide the best possible patient experience?
- Desire real growth in your practice next year?
- Spend too much time completing records and treatment plans?
- Have a desk stacked high with incomplete charts?
- Worry that poor process documentation leaves the practice vulnerable?
- Are trying to attract and manage new Associates?
Clinical Benefits
If You
MaxilloSoft can help!
Bespoke OMS EMR
MAXILLOSOFT remembers your preferences for each case type making treatment plans a snap to prepare.
The system ensures each team member follows best practices and documents a timeline (critical for malpractice defense).
Your case records will take less time AND be more comprehensive.

Anesthesia Records Done Right
Thoroughly documents anesthesia details, including timeline, and automatically affixed them to the patient chart.
Real-time vital signs are captured directly from your vitals monitor*
We care about your practice (and ours), so we make it easy to follow the AAOMS recommended Anesthesia procedures.

*not all monitors from each manufacturer integrate, esp. older models
Electronic Prescriptions
and Shortcuts
Shortcuts for commonly prescribed meds are sent to the included printer, ready for signature.
New users get E-Prescription at no extra charge

Surgeon's Tasklist
Incomplete tasks are automatically added to your task list.
Whenever you have a few minutes, these reminders are at your fingertips.

Next Level Patient Experience
Make a great first impression. The patient’s name, reason for visit, and who their GP is always right at your fingertips.
The tablets allow you to sit facing patients as you review their records.
Waiting room time reduced an average of 15-20 minutes*. Less waiting = less stress
Allows team members to see each patient’s status and how long they’ve been waiting… makes prioritizing easy.
Surgeon immediately notified when a patient is ready for them.
* As reported by current MaxilloSoft users